Monday, October 19, 2009


- At the scene of the accident, didn't you say to the police officer that, “you had never felt as well in all your life”?

The farmer:

- That is exactly what I said.

The lawyer:

- And it is now only that you come to complain to be seriously wounded in the accident between the car of my customer and your carriage?

The farmer:

- It is because, when the police officer arrived at the scene of the accident, he went to see my horse, which had a broken leg, and he proceeded to shoot it in the head. Then, he went towards Ricky, my dog, which was lying by the side of the road in a pool of blood, and he shot him dead too. Then when he approached me and asked me how I felt, I thought that it was better to say to him that I was perfectly well…

An old man who lived alone in Idaho, wanted to sow his potatoes in the garden, but, it was a very arduous work, because, he had to turn over all the ground.

Joseph, his only son, who usually helped him in this work was in prison.

The old man thus writes a letter to his son describing his difficult situation there:

Dear Joe,

I feel very sad, because it seems to me that this year, I will not be able to plant my potatoes in the garden.

I am too old to be able to dig and turn over the ground in that portion of the garden.

If you were here, all my problems would be solved. I know that you would dig and would turn over the ground of the garden for me.

With love


A few days later, he received a letter from his son:

Dear dad,

For the love of God, dad, do not dig in the garden, that’s where I have buried the BODIES.

With love, Joe

Till 4:00 AM the next morning, a squad of FBI agents and the local police arrived and completely dug every square inch of the garden without finding any corpse.

After, they excused themselves to the old man and left the premises.

The same day, the old man received another letter from his son:

Dear Papa

Go ahead, now, you can plant your potatoes. It is best than I can do under the circumstances.

With love


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