Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sorry, more blonde jokes...

This is the story of two blondes who buy two mice.

When they bring them home, one of the two blondes says to the other:

- How are we going to recognize them?

- I know! I will cut the ear off one the mice so that we can differentiate them!

- Yes! You are intelligent!

During the night the mouse which does not have any more ear, complains:

- Why is it that he is allowed to have two ears and me only one???

On this, it bites the ear of the other.

The next morning the two blondes come to see the mice:

- Oh no! How will we know which is which when both have only one ear?

I will cut off the other ear!

- Good idea.

During the night the mouse which does not have any more ears says:

- Why it has one ear and me none?

On this, it begins to eat the ear of the other.

The following day, the two blondes awake:

- Oh no! They do not have any more ears! What should we do?

- Ok, I’ll cut the leg off my mouse!

- Good, good, ok!

And this continues to happen until there is nothing more than their head, body and tail.

- So what should we do now?

- Mm, wait…

- I know! You take the white one and I’ll have the black!

Why do blonde mothers seldom change the their baby’s nappies?


Because on the packing it is says: “Up to 19 kg”.

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