Sunday, June 28, 2009

More Police Jokes

Ok, they're not that funny but I'm doing my best!

A police officer stops a voluptuous motorist:

- You know that speed is limited to 35 m/ph and you sped by at 50!

- Yes…

- Good, well how about I give you a slap on the buttocks for each mile in excess, what would you say to that then?

- I was doing 70!

A police officer on night patrols goes to a well-known place known as the “carpark”. He sees a couple in a stationery car with a lit interior light. He approaches the car and sees a young man sitting at the wheel reading a magazine on data processing and a young woman sitting on the back seat knitting.

Curious about this funny situation, he approaches nearer and knocks on the glass. The young man lowers his window….

- Yes, how can I help officer?

- What are you going here?

- Me… I’m reading a magazine!

The officer then points towards the young girl….

- And what about her, what is she making?

The young man shrugs his shoulders,

- Not sure, but I believe she’s knitting a pullover!

The police officer is completely confused. A young couple alone in a car late at night… and it does not occur to them to do anything immoral!

- How old are you, young man?

- I am 22 years old.

- And her, how old is she?

The young man looks at his watch and replies:

- She will be 18 years old in twenty minutes.

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