Sunday, June 7, 2009

Some Black Humor

What has four legs and an arm?
- A pitbull in a kindergarten.

A moderate Taliban is a Taliban who continues to put his wife in the trunk of the car but who removes the spare wheel so that there is more room.

In a hotel, in France, a French tourist has his breakfast quietly: coffee, croissant, butter and jam. An American tourist sits opposite him chewing his chewing gum. The Frenchman is unaware of him, but the American starts a conversation:

The American: “You French, you always eat bread?”

The French (in a bad mood): “Yes.”

The American (after having made a large bubble with his chewing gum):
“In America, we only eat the interior. The crust, we put in containers, it gets recycled into croissants and we sell them to the French.”

The American has a small grin on his face, the Frenchman continues to listen in silence.
The American continues: “You eat jam with the bread?”

The Frenchman: “Yes.”

- American (a large bubble bursts on his face and he skillfully draws the gum back into his mouth and continues to chew): “With us, no, in America, we eat fresh fruits with our breakfast. And we put the peels, the pips and the remainders in containers, we recycle them by making jam and we sell it to the French.”

The Frenchman then asks: “Do you make love in America?”

The American: “Yes of course, very often” he says with a broad smile.

The Frenchman: “And what do you do with the used condoms?”

The American: “Well like everyone, we throw them.”

- The Frenchman: “Once we finish with ours, we recycle them in containers, then we make chewing gum and sell it to the Americans…”

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